Hannah Crawford Elementary

Hannah Crawford Elementary currently houses 460 students from 3 year old preschool to grade 5 in two education wings. These students are served in 18 homerooms plus the 2 preschool sessions and also have 11 other professionals in specialist areas delivering services as well. The school day for students is 9:00 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. with bus pick-up beginning @ 3:45 p.m. The Colonel Crawford Local School District has long had a reputation of "Excellence in Academics" and The community shares in this reputation by partnering with staff to make Hannah Crawford a Great place for students to learn, fellowship and have some fun as well. We are proud of our "Little Eagles" and their accomplishments. We look forward to many future endeavors that are successful as well.

Eagle Excellence is being respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. We believe in a brighter tomorrow for each and every student."

cindy voss

Mrs. Cindy Voss, Principal H.C.E.S.

5444 Crestline Rd.
Crestline, Ohio 44827

Phone: (419)-562-5753
Fax: (419)-561-4970